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    About Our Cover: Male Contraceptive Pills Still Likely Decades Away

    About Our Cover: Male Contraceptive Pills Still Likely Decades Away

    The onus of birth control usually falls on women, and now that access to legal and safe abortion is under tremendous threat in many states, it is long overdue for…

    Betty Reid Soskin to Become SF Pride Parade’s Oldest Ever Dignitary

    Betty Reid Soskin to Become SF Pride Parade’s Oldest Ever Dignitary

    Betty Reid Soskin is a national treasure who has broken many records over the past century. Until her retirement on March 31, 2022, at age 100, she was the oldest…

    About Our Cover: June 9, 2022

    About Our Cover: June 9, 2022

    Three thousand panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt will be on display June 11 and 12 in Golden Gate Park to mark the Quilt’s 35th Anniversary. While this will be…

    Celebrate Carnival San Francisco May 28–29: Colores de Amor

    Celebrate Carnival San Francisco May 28–29: Colores de Amor

    By Eduardo Morales, Ph.D.– Carnival San Francisco is the largest multicultural festival on the West Coast! This year it will be a two-day festival produced by CANA, a 501c-3 organization…

    Pride in San Francisco Having One of the First National Centers of Excellence in Women’s Health

    Pride in San Francisco Having One of the First National Centers of Excellence in Women’s Health

    The UCSF National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health (CoE) was one of the first six federally designated centers created to advance women’s health and transform women’s lives through its…

    Drag Activism

    Drag Activism

    By Sister Roma– (Editor’s Note: On Thursday, April 7, Sister Roma, along with Kochina Rude and Afrika America, were panelists at a forum entitled Drag Activism at The Academy SF…

    The Obama Portraits Tour Includes Historic Work by Out Gay Artist

    The Obama Portraits Tour Includes Historic Work by Out Gay Artist

    A much-needed injection of hope will come to San Francisco this June when The Obama Portraits Tour opens at the de Young museum on June 18. The installation will feature…

    Announcing the Next Chapter in My Leadership Journey

    Announcing the Next Chapter in My Leadership Journey

    By Carolyn Wysinger– (Editor’s Note: The San Francisco Bay Times is proud to launch in this issue a new column by SF Pride President Carolyn Wysinger, who is the Education…

    About Our Cover 3.10.22

    About Our Cover 3.10.22

    Thousands of Bay Area residents, including members of the San Francisco Bay Times team, have taken to the streets to call for peace and an end to war after Russia…

    Lit Snax: 2.24.22

    Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl by Andrea Lawlor This wildly imaginative and original novel follows the exploits of Paul Polydoris, who can (and frequently does) change gender…