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    Don’t Miss NCLR’s Anniversary Celebration May 17, 2014, in San Francisco

    Don’t Miss NCLR’s Anniversary Celebration May 17, 2014, in San Francisco

    What are you doing May 17? Join the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) in San Francisco as it honors heroes and celebrates victories in the movement for LGBT equality.…

    Laugh Out Loud for Real with Kate Clinton

    Laugh Out Loud for Real with Kate Clinton

    We are doing a little happy dance here at the Bay Times. Kate Clinton is coming to town! She’ll be at the NCLR Anniversary Celebration on May 17. (See page…

    National and Local News Map

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan  Biloxi, MS – USM Grads Wear Rainbow Ribbons to Protest Congressman Palazzo’s Anti-gay Marriage Stance – 5.11 On Saturday morning, a little more than 300 University…

    We in the LGBT Community Have Two Kinds of Family

    We in the LGBT Community Have Two Kinds of Family

    Like most people I know, I don’t have a family “tree” per se—it seems like more of a family vine. Lots of grafting, transplanting, dead branches and new shoots. I…

    Relatively Speaking

    Relatively Speaking

    So…just how many lesbians does it take to feel like family? I’m not sure of an accurate number, yet I can tell you that our memorial celebrations feel like a…

    David Campos for the Win!

    David Campos for the Win!

    Regular readers of this column may remember that last month I wrote about the Leland Yee fiasco and tried to contextualize it in the larger tragedy of money’s pervasive and…

    Our Spiritual Power As We Age

    Our Spiritual Power As We Age

    How hard it can be to talk about spirituality and aging. Inevitably, we have to consider religion, too, and all its complexity. The truth is that we live in a…

    News from the GLBT Historical Society & The GLBT History Museum

    News from the GLBT Historical Society  & The GLBT History Museum

    New Exhibit: ‘Queer Past Becomes Present’ “Queer Past Becomes Present” is the new exhibition in the freshly remodeled Main Gallery of the GLBT History Museum. The topics included in the…

    Putting the Toyota Highlander and the 4Runner to the Butch/Femme Test

    Putting the Toyota Highlander and the 4Runner to the Butch/Femme Test

    Butch or femme? People usually have strong preferences either way, but something on the opposite side can still catch your eye. That’s the case with these two seven-seat Toyotas: the…

    Three Essential Money Topics to Discuss Before Marriage

    Three Essential Money Topics to Discuss Before Marriage

    When couples tie the knot, they make a commitment to stand by one another, for richer or poorer. Despite this earnest vow, money is a common source of marital strife…

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