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    Cocktails with Heather: Jalisco Sunset

    By Heather Freyer– Many of us enjoy a good spritz, and now there’s a sparkling option for our tequila lovers! The Jalisco Sunset plays off traditional spritz ingredients like Prosecco,…

    Lit Snax: 2.24.22

    Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl by Andrea Lawlor This wildly imaginative and original novel follows the exploits of Paul Polydoris, who can (and frequently does) change gender…

    French Cleat: Cest Bon

    By Julie Peri– French cleats are a great way to have a modular shelving system, and to organize tools on your wall. What is a French cleat? It is a simple…

    Speaking to Your Soul: 2.24.22

    Speaking to Your Soul: 2.24.22

    By Elisa Quinzi– Outlook is everything. And the planet vibes are pulling at that part of us we call the soul. Higher perspectives, vision, and beliefs are all up for…

    ER Physician and Athlete Dr. Kevin Masek Finds Balance Through Health & Wellness Regime

    ER Physician and Athlete Dr. Kevin Masek Finds Balance Through Health & Wellness Regime

    By John Chen– “We are truly working on the frontlines of this pandemic. We are the gatekeepers for patients admitted into the healthcare system. Oftentimes, we are people’s only means…

    Perry Watkins: A Black Gay Soldier’s Story

    Perry Watkins: A Black Gay Soldier’s Story

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– Perry Watkins knew from an early age that he was gay. His family knew. His friends at school in Tacoma, where he grew up, knew. Even…

    My Mother, the Audacious Ally

    My Mother, the Audacious Ally

    By Nguyen “Sir Whitney Queers” Pham– “Gay or straight, you’re my son.” I won’t forget these fiercely loving words that my Vietnamese mother expressed when she finally mustered the nerve…

    San Francisco Pride Announces Change of Leadership in Advance of 2022 Events

    San Francisco Pride Announces Change of Leadership in Advance of 2022 Events

    Fred Lopez, Executive Director of SF Pride since 2020, is stepping down,to be succeeded in the interim by Board Treasurer Suzanne Ford, a transgender woman. (Video exclusive to the San…

    Chinese New Year Parade, International Holocaust Memorial Day, and More!

    Published on February 10, 2022…

    Ann Rostow: Advise and Consent, And Make It Quick

    Ann Rostow: Advise and Consent, And Make It Quick

    By Ann Rostow– It looks as if we have dodged the horrendous possibility that something might happen to Justice Breyer during a Republican-led Senate. Now that Breyer has done the…