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    Golden State Warriors’ Autographed Basketball Auctioned Off at Divas & Drinks @ The Academy

    Golden State Warriors’ Autographed Basketball Auctioned Off at Divas & Drinks @ The Academy

    Former Mr. International Leather and auctioneer extraordinaire, Lenny Broberg, made a surprise appearance at the March 24, 2023, Divas & Drinks @ The Academy SF event benefiting the San Francisco…

    Ann Rostow: The Shadow Falls on Trans Rights

    Ann Rostow: The Shadow Falls on Trans Rights

    By Ann Rostow– The Shadow Falls on Trans Rights I’ve been reading a lot about two seemingly different stories; the first a transgender sports case that appeared on the Supreme…

    This Is Not a Drill

    By Joanie Juster– Not meaning to spoil your spring day, but the news from around the country just keeps getting worse with each passing day. The examples are too numerous…

    Women’s Music Iconic Album Covers

    For Women’s History Month 2023, the San Francisco Bay Times presents a selection of iconic album covers representing women’s music: music by, for, and about women. While the history of…

    International Women’s Day Celebration of Holly Near

    Renowned worldwide for her music and activism, Holly Near returned to her Bay Area musical roots on Wednesday, March 8, for an International Women’s Day concert at the Freight &…

    Probate in a Nutshell

    Probate in a Nutshell

    By Jay Greene, Esq., CPA– Did you ever stop to think about what happens after a loved one’s funeral? Life continues and you might have to go back to work…

    First Week of Spring 2023

    First Week of Spring 2023

    By Tony Archuleta-Perkins– During the first week of spring 2023, I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for all of our beloved members and partners of…

    Death Is a Drag, But Don’t Ignore It—Remember to Prepare Your Estate

    Death Is a Drag, But Don’t Ignore It—Remember to Prepare Your Estate

    By Brandon Miller, CFP– Here’s a reality check: We’re all going to die. Yet, our society avoids talking about it, which creates ripple effects on our financial lives. I get…

    Kimberly Reyes of Kimberly Reyes Interiors

    Kimberly Reyes of Kimberly Reyes Interiors

    We recently sat down with author, international speaker, CEO, and Principal Interior Designer Kimberly Reyes of Kimberly Reyes Interiors to learn more about her business, intuitive design, and connection to…

    TransTech Summit: Creating Equity Through Tech

    TransTech Summit: Creating Equity Through Tech

    By Joanie Juster– At the recent National LGBTQ Task Force Creating Change conference in San Francisco, the expo hall was filled with nonprofits, community groups, and businesses that support the…