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    Eliminate Labels, Erase Expectations

    Eliminate Labels, Erase Expectations

    Revolutionary philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti warned us that the moment you teach a child that a bird is called “bird,” the child would never see the bird again. This concept is…

    Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Edition of Gertrude Stein’s Avant-Garde Text

    Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Edition of Gertrude Stein’s Avant-Garde Text

    By Renate Stendhal Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), the self-declared “literary Einstein of the century,” is one of the most famous and least read of America’s authors. During her lifetime, her writing…

    Tyranny of the Comparing Mind

    Tyranny of the Comparing Mind

    Eric tries on a new shirt and looks at himself in the mirror. “I don’t like the way I look in this,” he tells his partner, Jason. “You look fine,”…

    Feast or Fashion

    Feast or Fashion

    I began my foray into fashion very early in life. By age nine, I was already aware of making bold fashion statements, like the time I wore my “Happy Birthday”…

    Budgeting, and an Invitation to a Weddings Workshop Brunch

    Budgeting, and an Invitation to a Weddings Workshop Brunch

    Budgeting is one of the most dreaded wedding subjects. Post tax time, it can be all the more stressful for many couples. Money itself is often a sensitive subject, but…

    News from the GLBT Historical Society & The GLBT History Museum

    News from the GLBT Historical Society  & The GLBT History Museum

    Museum Undergoing Major Transformation Since April 1, the Main Gallery of the GLBT History Museum has been closed for installation of a new exhibit. It will reopen May 15. This…

    Round About – Giants Game at AT&T Park

    Round About – Giants Game at AT&T Park

    Photos by Abby Zimberg Co-publishers Betty Sullivan and Jennifer Viegas joined friends and supporters of the Bay Times for a Giants v Diamondbacks game at AT&T Park on an evening…

    Struggling Vines Produce Better Wine

    Struggling Vines Produce Better Wine

    As an astrologer who owns a metaphysical store, I have all the appropriate language to give you a feel-good, rainbows, dolphins, and unicorns kind of positive reframe. But in good…

    Miss Beth Bicoastal Welcomes You to the Edge, and for Good Causes Too

    Miss Beth Bicoastal Welcomes You to the Edge, and for Good Causes Too

    She is luscious, beautiful, charismatic, talented and inspiring to so many. Yes, I’m speaking of the one and only bombshell, Miss Beth Bicoastal. I met Miss Beth several years ago…

    Long Live Liza!

    Long Live Liza!

    By Jennifer Viegas Applause and admiration for Liza Minnelli, who was stunning at a recent, intimate Davies Symphony Hall performance. She has raised millions of dollars for AIDS research and…