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    Profiles of Compassion and Courage: David Campos

    Profiles of Compassion and Courage: David Campos

    District 9 Supervisor David Campos has, for nearly 5 years, represented Bernal Heights, part of Portola and the Inner Mission. A Harvard Law School graduate, Campos previously worked as a…

    Exploring Forgiveness, Part 1

    Exploring Forgiveness, Part 1

    (Editor’s Note: This is the first of a four-part series concerning exploring forgiveness.) Q: I can’t stop hating my father. He was a violent man who beat, bullied and terrorized…

    Grand Avenue Theft Auto

    Grand Avenue Theft Auto

    Nothing makes me feel my middle age more than when my Action Adventure car comes back from one of its zany Oakland escapades. Dateline: Oakland, Monday, September 23. Nine commuters…

    Strengthen Your Mind By Opening Your Heart

    Strengthen Your Mind By Opening Your Heart

    French Buddhist Matthieu Ricard has been dubbed “the world’s happiest man.” After earning a PhD in molecular genetics, he veered from academia, moved to Nepal, and devoted his life to…

    Stylish Chanteuse Veronica Klaus

    Stylish Chanteuse Veronica Klaus

    I recently visited the home of Veronica Klaus. Stylish, talented Veronica warmly greeted me at the door, after I rang the doorbell. As I walked into her cozy and quite…

    Use Your Imagination to Fuel Creativity, Not Anxiety

    Use Your Imagination to Fuel Creativity, Not Anxiety

    Physician and holistic health guru Deepak Chopra believes the world is creating a new identity. He suggests that, by merging science and spirituality, we’re transcending deep-seated divisions and cultivating a…

    Butch Up!

    Butch Up!

    I love butches! Most of all, I respect them. Unlike their femme counterparts, they don’t get to pass. As a self-proclaimed out lesbian femme aggressive top — TMI — I…

    Profiles of Compassion and Courage: Steven Underhill

    Profiles of Compassion and Courage: Steven Underhill

    Today I’m profiling one of our own, Bay Times photographer Steven Underhill. If you don’t know Steven, you are likely familiar with his work, as he is one of the…

    Why Do We “Otherize”?

    Why Do We “Otherize”?

    “Otherizing” means placing people outside of the circle of “us.” It appears to be an innate and universal human capacity. It’s dangerous, because as soon as we see people as…

    I’m Not Just a Marriage Equality USA Volunteer, I’m Also a Client

    I’m Not Just a Marriage Equality USA Volunteer, I’m Also a Client

    One week from today, I expect my life paradoxically to stay pretty much exactly the same, yet at the same time to change utterly, in ways I’m not sure I…