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    My Heart…San Francisco!

    My Heart…San Francisco!

    I am on a plane en route to the San Francisco Bay Area, the land that I love! I speak of San Francisco and Oakland with unabashed affection to whomever…

    Traveling at the Speed of Love: Winning the Race for Equality

    Five years ago last week, on Election Day 2008, California’s electorate passed Prop 8, marking perhaps the most notable low point in the marriage equality movement when a minority was…

    Nature’s Glorious Cathedrals

    Nature’s Glorious Cathedrals

    By Elizabeth River A few weeks ago, I had the honor of marrying two brides from Indiana who traveled to our beloved California for their wedding. I learned later that…

    Weddings, Anniversaries & Occasions

    Soulful Up and Coming Artist Peter Feliciano

    Soulful Up and Coming Artist Peter Feliciano

    Every now and then there is a young artist where one says, “This person has talent and is going to go places with it.” The first time I heard Peter…

    Profiles of Compassion and Courage: Andrew Freeman

    Profiles of Compassion and Courage: Andrew Freeman

    If you admire the style, look and feel of a Northern California restaurant, hotel, event or other business, chances are that Andrew Freeman had a hand in crafting its image.…

    Exploring Forgiveness, Part 3: The Benefits of Forgiveness

    Exploring Forgiveness, Part 3: The Benefits of Forgiveness

    (Editor’s Note: This is the third of a four-part series concerning exploring forgiveness.) All of the world’s wisdom traditions seem to be unanimous on at least one point – that…

    Halloween is Boo-tiful!!!

    I LOVE COSTUMES! I always have. Dressing up appeals to my imaginative sensibilities and though it is not historically documented, I am convinced that gay people “invented” Halloween. Who but…

    Going Global

    October brought marriage equality to state #14 – New Jersey. As attention now turns to the race between New Mexico, Hawaii and Illinois to see which state will become #15,…

    Til Death Do Us Part

    Til Death Do Us Part

    As a non-denominational minister, I officiate at the full array of life events. Last month, for example, I prepared comments for the memorial gathering of my cousin’s mother, Jo Dixon.…