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    Profiles of Courage and Compassion: Jason Brock

    Profiles of Courage and Compassion: Jason Brock

    (Editor’s Note: Jason Brock is a Bay Area-based singer, performer, emcee and actor. He was a finalist on “The X-Factor” and starred in the film “Love Is Not Enough.”…

    Nothing Sweeter Than Sweetbriar

    Nothing Sweeter Than Sweetbriar

    In this edition of “Gems of the Bay” I am proud to bring you the multifaceted and talented Bebe Sweetbriar. “I’m honored that the fans allow me to do what…

    Problems with Intimacy

    Problems with Intimacy

    Patrick hopes that therapy will rid him of his “problems with intimacy,” which he assumes must be the result of the insecurities he acquired from growing up in a dysfunctional…

    Champions for Humanity: Oakland’s Peace Monument

    Champions for Humanity: Oakland’s Peace Monument

    Published on July 25, 2013 The original impetus and inspiration for the creation of the monument Remember Them: Champions for Humanity were the tragic events of September 11, 2001. A…

    Forging a New Destiny

    Forging a New Destiny

    When I was five years old, I was disappointed when my mother’s best friend Renée announced she was going to wed Tom. I had planned on marrying Renée, a vivacious…

    Fine Tune Your Family Anthem

    Fine Tune Your Family Anthem

    When composers Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers initially pitched Sister Sledge’s “We are Family” to Atlantic Records in 1979, they were promptly rejected. Yet, despite doubtful label executives, the track’s…

    International Recording Artist Raquela

    International Recording Artist Raquela

    In this installment of Gems of the Bay, I bring you singer/songwriter and international recording artist, Raquela. Born in Concord, California, and raised in Sacramento, Raquela is a powerhouse of…

    Your Dreams Don’t Have an Expiration Date

    Your Dreams Don’t Have an Expiration Date

    Julia Child didn’t learn to cook until she was nearly forty years old. Morgan Freeman acted for decades before propelling into worldwide success in his fifties with Street Smart and…

    Profiles of Courage and Compassion: Lance Tom

    Profiles of Courage and Compassion: Lance Tom

    (Editor’s Note: Lance Toma is the Executive Director of the Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center, apiwellnessorg.) SS: How did you become involved in your work? LT: I actually studied…

    Health, Connection, Balance and Beauty

    Health, Connection, Balance and Beauty

    The San Francisco Decorator Showcase is one of the Bay Area’s premier design show house events, featuring the work of top designers and raising funds for the San Francisco University…