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    Equal Rights! Special Rights!

    Equal Rights! Special Rights!

    Being a gay activist means that we have to do a lot of “splaining” and talking so that we can get our message of equal rights across to the masses.…

    We Have Our Work!

    We Have Our Work!

    When I was younger and just a little bit more carefree, I tested the “lady” waters pretty easily and frequently. I was the classic city version of “looking for love…

    Now This is News!

    Now This is News!

    I have not written this column for a while. Life suddenly got really busy and a little crazy and I had a hard time finding my inspiration…Not quite “writer’s block.”…

    Why Can’t We All Be Valentines?

    Why Can’t We All Be Valentines?

    Let me start by saying that I love Valentine’s Day! Okay, so it’s a manufactured “holiday,” a day for lovers to celebrate their love. What’s wrong with that? Haters get…

    Random Acts of Thinking

    Random Acts of Thinking

    ‘Tis the time for thinking about stuff, like how is 2015 gonna be different from, and better than, 2014. Well, I had a great last year, and I am nurturing…

    Creating Harmonious Families Starts with Me

    Creating Harmonious Families Starts with Me

    There’s nothing like taking off to sunny Florida at the start of the polar vortex that overtook Cleveland in mid-November. I’d booked my reservation at the Florida Nature and Culture…

    Dear Joan

    Dear Joan

    Dear Joan, Thank you so much for all of the laughs, the put-downs, the effervescent self-deprecating excitement that you consistently exhibited! How fortunate I am to have witnessed you live…

    Long Live the Laughter

    Long Live the Laughter

    By Karen Williams As the nation mourns our comedy giant’s untimely death, as the memories of his generosity wash over us, as we accept the loss of the comic genius…

    Gay Games Fever

    Gay Games Fever

    By Karen Williams Here on the North Coast, we’ve got Gay Games fever! That’s right! We’re here! We’re queer! And we’re sporty! Everything’s coming up spectacular at the Cleveland-Akron Gay…

    I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

    I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

    How stunning! How magnifi­cent! How fortunate to bear witness in this lifetime to a wondrous human being like Dr. Maya Angelou! The deep resounding warm resonance of her voice rose…

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