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    Gay Games IX Tom Waddell Award Winners

    Gay Games IX Tom Waddell Award Winners

    By Doug Litwin The international Federation of Gay Games manages the quadrennial Gay Games from right here in San Francisco. Created in 1990 at Gay Games III, the organization began…

    Love Around the World

    Love Around the World

    On our recent trip to Japan to speak on LGBTGQ rights and marriage equality, we had the honor of addressing the crowd at Pink Dot Okinawa, a wonderful event with…

    Ann Rostow: Barack Says, Take One Big Step Forward

    By Ann Rostow Barack Says, Take One Big Step Forward President Obama has added sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of groups that have been protected against discrimination…

    National and Local News Map

    Helena, MT – Montana AG Asks Court to Uphold Same-sex Marriage Ban – 7.18 Compiled by Dennis McMillan Montana’s attorney general asked a federal court to uphold the state’s constitutional…

    New HIV Prevention Recommendations Combine Biomedical and Behavioral Approaches

    New guidelines for preventing HIV have just been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. They integrate both cutting-edge biomedical advances and evidence-based behavioral interventions for the care of…

    Contributions of Lucie van Mens to Women’s Health ‘Were Beyond Measure’

    Contributions of Lucie van Mens to Women’s Health ‘Were Beyond Measure’

    Lucie van Mens, Director of Program Development and Support for The Female Health Company, developer of FC2 female condoms to safeguard against HIV, was yet another victim of the Malaysia…

    Fair Housing for LGBT People: Local Initiative with a National Impact

    Fair Housing for LGBT People:  Local Initiative with a National Impact

    As marriage equality moves from state to state, we can now focus our attention on fighting for LGBT rights in other areas, including access to housing. As a gay man,…

    HIV/AIDS Researcher Joep Lange Helped to Save Millions of Lives

    HIV/AIDS Researcher Joep Lange  Helped to Save Millions of Lives

    “There is a disturbing misconception that ‘access for all’ is just a challenge for the developing world,” said Joep Lange, former President of the International AIDS Society, in 2004. “Access…

    State of the (Marital) Union

    State of the (Marital) Union

    As of July 17, nearly 44 percent of the U.S. population lives in 19 states and the District of Columbia where same-sex couples legally may marry. One year ago—even after…

    Ann Rostow: Utah King To Me

    By Ann Rostow Utah King To Me! My last column ended with a bang. No sooner had I filed the tedious accounting of GLBT civil rights news dribs and drabs…