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    Do I Sound Gay? Explores Male Vocal Effeminateness

    Do I Sound Gay? Explores Male Vocal Effeminateness

    By Gary M. Kramer Filmmaker David Thorpe thinks he “sounds gay.” So he made a documentary, Do I Sound Gay?, which chronicles him hiring speech and voice coaches to help…

    SF Pride Announces Parade Award Winners

    SF Pride Announces Parade Award Winners

    On Tuesday, SF Pride announced the recipients of this year’s 2015 Pride Parade Awards. The San Francisco Bay Times/Betty’s List contingent is honored to be among the winners! Thanks again…

    Sister Dana sez, “Prez wannabe candidate Ted Cruz has written a book.”

    Sister Dana sez, “Prez wannabe candidate Ted Cruz has written a book.”

    Sister Dana sez, “Prez wannabe candidate Ted Cruz has written a book. It’s on the “New York Times” bestseller list. It’s in Oprah’s book club. Only one of those three…

    Understanding Our Aging Bodies

    Understanding Our Aging Bodies

    Openhouse is doing a remarkable job addressing the barriers to connect LGBT seniors to aging support services. But there are still too many LGBT elders, in particular those over 80…

    Ready for Her, continued

    Ready for Her, continued

    Donna Sachet: “My strong support of Hillary Clinton for the next President of the United States comes from her unprecedented experience for the job. Who else has spent 8 years…

    Ready for Her

    Ready for Her

      “[W]e need more elected leaders in Washington who will…fight for the rights and opportunities of everyday Americans, not just those at the top. At the same time, we need…

    Ready for Her Welcome to the inaugural column of “Ready for Her.” I am excited to be able to bring timely, relevant information to our community, while also focusing on…

    Ann Rostow: Marriage, Yes. Equality, Not Yet

    Ann Rostow: Marriage, Yes. Equality, Not Yet

    By Ann Rostow Marriage, Yes. Equality, Not Yet The fight for marriage equality is over. Yes, perhaps a few clerks will balk here and there and the more conservative GOP…

    In the News

    By Dennis McMillan Documentary on 1961 Homosexuality Rediscovered A recently discovered hour-long documentary The Rejected, on the “homosexual problem” shows some differing views on homosexuality from several different standpoints. It…

    Carolyn Brandy Is Born to Drum

    Carolyn Brandy Is Born to Drum

    All of us at the San Francisco Bay Times were completely blown away by legendary drummer Carolyn Brandy who, along with other incredible Women’s Music musicians, joined us at the…

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