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    Unassuming Exteriors that Belie Interior Comforts

    Unassuming Exteriors that Belie Interior Comforts

    As we single LGBTs hit the bars and the apps to find our special someone, we put our best feet forward to make a good first impression. With some, the…

    City College Update, State Senate Polling and the Year of the Woman

    City College Update, State Senate Polling and the Year of the Woman

    Some Good News from City College Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Ed Lee dropped by City College’s Downtown Center at 4th and Mission on April 7th to tour the facilities…

    April Is National Poetry Month

    April Is National Poetry Month

    Inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, National Poetry Month, held every April, is the largest literary celebration in the world. Schools, publishers, libraries, booksellers and poets are…

    What is in a Name? A Reflection by Empress Khmera Rouge on the 40th Anniversary of the Cambodian Genocide

    What is in a Name?  A Reflection by Empress Khmera Rouge on the 40th Anniversary of the Cambodian Genocide

    Who are you? What do you call yourself? Who do you think you are? Our names and identities are such a major part of who we are that many of…

    Couple Facing Second Marriage Challenges with Grace and Integrity

    Couple Facing Second Marriage Challenges with Grace and Integrity

    I recently met with 2 women who have asked me to marry them this fall. Presently, they live apart—Catherine lives in the Sacramento area, and Kit lives in Texas. They…

    The Time for Equality Is Now

    The Time for Equality Is Now

    Nineteen years ago, the United States Supreme Court in Romer v. Evans struck down Colorado’s notorious Amendment 2, a state constitutional provision that revoked all local ordinances prohibiting discrimination based…

    Focus on Serving Your Unique Soul-print

    Focus on Serving Your Unique Soul-print

    Congratulations, Graduate! If you’re reading this, it means you’ve crossed an incredible cosmic bridge. After braving the storm of all-or-nothing astrological events that have dominated these past few years, you’re emerging triumphant…

    One Day at a Time

    Michele Karlsberg: Do you write every day? Fiona Zedde: As much as I love writing, I usually don’t write every day. Especially when my deadline isn’t that close. I like…

    Dior and I Reveals Prestigious Fashion House’s History as Its Future Unfolds

    Dior and I Reveals Prestigious Fashion House’s History as Its Future Unfolds

    Dior and I is the third fabulous fashion documentary—after collaborating on Valentino: The Last Emperor and Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has to Travel—made by the openly gay Frédéric Tcheng. It…

    Sister Dana sez, “Did everyone make the deadline for IRS taxes?”

    Sister Dana sez, “Did everyone make the deadline for IRS taxes?”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “Did everyone make the deadline for IRS taxes? Ya know, if we only vote for that fool Rand Paul, he will do…

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